Gemstone Guide


Considered a protective stone, agate is said to balance energies and awaken talents. It is believed to attract strength and offer protection from bad dreams, stress and the draining of energy. It is especially protective for children, and makes an excellent stone for children's amulets and jewellery.

Historically, agate has always been considered a stone of strength. It was used on the breastplates of warriors to give them strength and make them energetic and victorious in battle. 

It is the traditional birthstone for May alongside emerald.


Often called the Stone of Courage and the Stone of Truth, amazonite empowers the wearer to move beyond fear of judgement with others. It is said to enhance intuition, psychic powers, creativity, intellect and psychic ability. Amazonite is often associated with the throat chakra, and as such, is said to beneficial to communication.

It's also believed to have a soothing and calming effect. It accomplishes this by dispelling negative energy and allowing us to let go of sadness and grief.


Calms the emotions, encourages clarity of thought, and assists in attaining wisdom. Amethyst is a stone of the mind which brings calmness and clarity. It is said to attune its wearer with intuition, feelings and values. Amethyst has long been regarded as an aid to sobriety and is useful for combatting alcohol, food and other addictions. It is also thought to ease obsessive-compulsive behaviour.

It is the traditional birthstone for February.


Associated with courage and the release of anxiety and fear, aquamarine is thought to soothe, calm, alleviate fear and to help relaxation on long journeys. Many believe that it protects sailors at sea and prevents seasickness. Tradition holds that it replaces anger and negativity with mental peace and clarity, providing the wearer with insight and promoting mental clarity. 

Aquamarines are also said to have a soothing effect on married couples, helping husbands and wives work out their differences and ensure a long and happy marriage. 

It is the traditional birthstone for March.


A stone of opportunity that is believed to attract prosperity. It is thought to be the luckiest of all gemstones, especially in manifesting wealth and for increasing favour in competitions or games of chance. Some advise keeping an aventurine in your pocket when buying a lottery ticket or trying to land a promotion.


Carnelian is said to assist in stimulating creativity, dispelling negative energies and replacing them with positive ones. It can make it easier to find direction, and its grounding effects can make it easier for you to feel in control of your life. 

Carnelian has been designated at the modern birthstone for July in Britain alongside ruby.


Considered a sacred stone by the Native American Indians, chalcedony nurtures and promotes brotherhood and goodwill. It is said to alleviate hostility, irritability and melancholy.


Chrysoprase is one of the birthstones for May and has traditionally symbolised happiness, enterprise and prudence. It is a powerful stone that attracts good fortune and success in new ventures and promotes fidelity within business.

Emotionally, chrysoprase is said to help heal a broken heart by providing a gentle boost to your self-esteem, equalising emotional balance and fostering acceptance of change and tolerance for others.

Chrysoprase has been designated at the modern British birthstone for May alongside emerald. 


Said to open the mind to new thoughts and balance impatience and restlessness. Citrine is thought to promote optimism. It also attracts abundance and is known as the "merchants' stone". It is often placed where business is conducted, not only to acquire wealth, but to maintain it. It is also good for mental focus, endurance and self-esteem. 

It is the traditional birthstone for November.


Thought to relieve tension and fear, and promote positive forms of social life, the colour symbolises joy and happiness. Coral is used as an aid against depression, lethargy and nutritional deficiencies.


Thought to balance and stabilise intuition and regarded as an aid for learning and lateral thinking, fluorite is believed to improve the ability to concentrate.


Regarded as the stone of passionate devotion towards family, friends, and one's purpose in life. Believed to stimulate the senses and increase vitality and stamina, garnet is thought to attract good luck in business ventures.

It is the traditional birthstone for January.


Hematite has been worn to protect its wearer from bleeding, and is thought to protect against unionised radiation so is therefore a good stone to wear when working around computers. Crystal healers use hematite for any disorder of the blood, as well as for leg cramps and insomnia.


Iolite is said to be the stone of inner vision and believed to assist the wearer in achieving a higher awareness level. It is also thought to be useful for the elimination of debt and to increase financial responsibility.


A stone of serenity, Jade is thought to alleviate anxiety, fear and to promote good luck. Jade not only brings prosperity, but encourages its wearer to hold on to money. A traditional charm for gardeners, jade is said to ensure bountiful harvests.


Jasper is associated with relaxation, contentment, compassion, nurturing and consolation. Jasper is said to relieve mental stress and help to achieve balance in life.


A calming stone, it helps to quiet the mind, dissolving emotional or spiritual confusion. Kyanite is said to be particularly good at dissolving anger and frustration.


Thought to bring out the best in the wearer, it is sometimes known as the 'Self-Esteem Stone', subtly affecting the way you respond to situations, emotionally and physically.


An ancient stone said to represent friendship and truth. Lapis is believed to help bring about harmony in relationships. It is a stone of wisdom and awareness.

Lapis lazuli is the alternate modern birthstone for September in Britain alongside sapphire.


Encourages communication by promoting clear thinking, inspiration and receptivity. Moonstone also assists in the fulfilment of one's destiny. Long regarded as the gemstone for psychic abilities, wish fulfilment and balancing the emotions, moonstone is said to work better on things that are needed as opposed to things that are just wanted. 

It is the traditional birthstone for June.


This is the gemstone of 'Divine Love' known for attracting and maintaining love. It brings healing, compassion, assurance and promise. It can energise the heart chakra and help love to flow in your life.


Black onyx is said to repel and deflect the negativity of others. It can help release sorrow and grief so is used a lot when ending unhappy or bothersome relationships. It is also a gem thought to enhance determination and perseverance. 

Onyx is a traditional birthstone for July


Regarding as a stone strongly associated with the emotions, including love and passion. It is also thought to promote spontaneity, imagination, dreams and healing. 

Opal is the traditional birthstone for October.


A gem with a mystical aura, prehnite is said to be the stone of remembered dreams, meditation and prophecy. It is said to ease worries and restlessness of all kinds.


Known as the stone of 'gentle love', rose quartz brings peace and calm to relationships. It is an excellent stone for healing emotional wounds, removing negativity and restoring harmony after conflict. 

Quartz is the traditional birthstone for April (as an alternative to diamond).


Sardonyx encourages motivation, willpower, discipline and strength of character in its wearer. As such, it's a great stone for anyone studying or those requiring mental discipline to focus in their work. 

Some people use sardonyx as a protection grid, placing it at each corner of the house - at doors and windows - to prevent crime and misfortune.

Sardonyx is an alternative modern birthstone for August in Britain alongside peridot.


In addition to the generic healing properties of quartz, smokey quartz is an excellent grounding stone. It gently neutralises negative vibrations and is detoxifying on all levels, particularly for the digestive system.

Believed to be nature's stone of endurance, fostering serenity, calmness and positive thoughts.


Said to help convert anxiety and fear into practical logic and action. Believed to promote balance and strength in difficult times and to relieve doubt.

Traditionally it was carried as an amulet against curses or ill-wishing, and is known to give you courage, self-confidence and strength of will.


Tourmaline is said to strengthen both body and spirit. It is believed to attract inspiration, aid concentration, encourage balance and promote understanding. It is also thought to calm nerves, soothe grief, promote balance and build self-confidence.

Tourmaline has also been said to be good for keeping the digestive system healthy as well as strengthening teeth and bones. It is also recommended for the adrenal disorders and is used by modern practitioners to treat stress and trauma.


Believed to attract money, success and love, turquoise is a stone of friendship in many cultures. Native Americans associated the colours of turquoise with the blue sky and the green earth. It is still seen by many today as being symbolic of our roots in nature. 

Turquoise is the traditional birthstone for December.